The Sunflower Seeds

In a compelling transition from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, Rajiv Khera, with a rich 22-year career at renowned companies like Airtel and Alcatel-Lucent, embarked on a new venture in 2020. The journey led to the inception of Chakki Peesing, a company committed to providing fresh, high-quality staples to the market. Here’s an in-depth look into Rajiv’s entrepreneurial journey, the challenges faced, and the strategies that fueled his success.

The Genesis of Chakki Peesing

Rajiv Khera, hailing from a humble background in Madhya Pradesh, always harboured the dream of leveraging the region’s high-quality wheat production. The catalyst for his entrepreneurial venture was the COVID-19 pandemic, a period marked by widespread disruption but also profound realizations about essential needs. During the lockdown, Rajiv and his philanthropic friends provided rations to stranded labourers, highlighting the unwavering necessity for food, regardless of circumstances.

Reflecting on these experiences, Rajiv recognized the importance of fresh staples. This epiphany led to the birth of Chakki Peesing, with a mission to deliver fresh, nutritious food. Despite the lack of a detailed initial plan, Rajiv’s determination and resourcefulness enabled him to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic and establish his business.

Overcoming Initial Challenges

  • Sourcing and Logistics: With manufacturing at a standstill, obtaining machinery and raw materials was a significant challenge. Rajiv’s solution involved leveraging available resources and technology, such as WhatsApp Business, to coordinate and manage supply chains effectively.
  • Team Assembly: The exodus of labourers to their hometowns left a void in available manpower. Rajiv tackled this by creating a hybrid team of outsourced personnel and in-house staff to ensure operational continuity.
  • Supply Chain Management: Maintaining the freshness of products required a robust and adaptable supply chain. By combining outsourced delivery services with an in-house team, Chakki Peesing maintained flexibility and responsiveness to customer orders.

Key Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success

  1. Customer Relationship Management: Rajiv emphasizes the importance of retaining customers. Building a loyal customer base is crucial for sustained growth. Despite technological challenges, maintaining strong customer relationships has been a priority for Chakki Peesing.
  2. Product Market Fit: Ensuring a product meets market needs is vital. Entrepreneurs must identify a demand for their product and price it appropriately. Understanding market segments and tailoring products to fit these needs can significantly impact success.
  3. Control Over Supply Chain: For product-based startups, controlling the source of raw materials is essential. It ensures pricing stability and consistent quality, crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.
  4. Adaptability and Learning: Entrepreneurship is a continuous learning process. Rajiv highlights the importance of being adaptable and open to learning. Solutions and strategies often emerge as the business evolves, and being flexible allows entrepreneurs to navigate unique challenges effectively.

Operational Focus and Core Product Value

Rajiv offers sound advice for budding entrepreneurs: “Don’t worry much about the operational things—they can be taken care of. Worry about the core aspects of what your product is based on.” He stresses that entrepreneurs should not get bogged down by every operational detail from the start. Instead, they should focus on the core value their product offers in the market. This focus allows entrepreneurs to adapt and grow, refining operational aspects as the business evolves.

Addressing the Gluten-Free Trend and Wheat Quality Concerns

In today’s health-conscious market, there’s a growing trend towards gluten-free products. Rajiv sheds light on this, explaining the transformation in wheat consumption in India. Traditionally, India’s grain consumption was more diverse, including millets and pulses, which are more sustainable and require fewer resources to grow.

The shift towards wheat and rice, which now constitute 84-86% of grain consumption in India, was significantly influenced by the Green Revolution. This movement introduced hybrid varieties of wheat to address food security issues. However, these hybrids, unlike heirloom varieties, contain higher gluten levels and are less nutritious.

Rajiv explains, “The problem with the current wheat is that it is a hybrid variety grown after the Green Revolution. These are not the native varieties our ancestors consumed. There are heirloom varieties like Amber wheat (Kapili atta), which are more nutritious and closer to what was traditionally consumed.”

Innovations in the Flour Industry

To address these concerns, Chakki Peesing focuses on providing fresh, minimally processed staples. Rajiv highlights that their milling process preserves the nutritional integrity of the grains, offering consumers a healthier alternative to mass-produced flour. The company also explores alternative grains, including millets and heirloom wheat varieties, to cater to the growing demand for nutritious, gluten-free options.

Building a Robust Supply Chain

  • Flexibility in Delivery: Combining outsourced delivery services with an in-house team has allowed Chakki Peesing to manage unpredictable order patterns effectively.
  • Technology Utilization: Leveraging technology like WhatsApp Business has streamlined operations and enhanced customer communication.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Understanding and adapting to customer needs has been pivotal. Rajiv emphasizes the importance of retaining customers by delivering consistent quality and maintaining strong relationships.

Advice for Entrepreneurs in the Agricultural Sector

  1. Stay Close to the Source: Controlling the source of raw materials ensures quality and pricing stability.
  2. Ensure Product Market Fit: It’s crucial to validate that there is a market demand for your product. This involves not only product features but also pricing, promotion, and positioning.
  3. Adaptability: Be prepared to learn and adapt. No entrepreneur has all the answers from the beginning; learning and evolving with the business is essential.
  4. Leverage Operational Support: While core product focus is crucial, leveraging available resources for operational tasks can help streamline processes and allow entrepreneurs to focus on growth and innovation.

Chakki Peesing stands as a testament to how traditional practices, when combined with modern entrepreneurial strategies, can create a business that not only thrives but also contributes positively to consumer health and the agricultural ecosystem.